Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive - Final Session

Today was our final DFI session. We started the session looking in the final aspect of the Manaiakalani pedagogy - ubiquitous learning. Ubiquitous learning refers to learning that can happen anytime, anyplace at any pace. 

Breaking down ubiquitous learning - it is learning that is rewindable that be done at any point in the school day. 
This is important as it is making learning more accessible to our students. They are able to refer back to material, but also catch up on material they have missed. 

Reflecting on my own teaching in Kaupeka - lots of our learning is ubiquitous. Students have access to our google site - all of our planning and resources are located on here and accessible to all students. We present students with flipped learning opportunities across subjects - this is especially valuable for maths. 

It is reaffirming to look back on my own practice and see the ubiquitous learning taking place - I like that students have so much access to their learning and this is something I will definitely continue. 

Something I aim to look into in the future is the Woolf Fisher Summer Learning Journey - looking into how blogging over the summer break (or even 2 week break) can help to accelerate students writing. 

The final component of todays session was undertaking the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam. It was great to put all the learning from the past 9 weeks into practice and complete this exam. My next steps for learning will be looking into the Level 2 exam. 

Reflecting on the past 9 weeks I have really enjoyed learning about the Manaiakalai pedagogy and picking up heaps of new digital tools and tips to use both in and out of the classroom. This course inspired me to continue with my learning, I am now more motivated to further my understanding with using digital tools and google in the classroom. It has highlighted to me how important this is for the future of education and how valuable for the future this is. I am looking forward to putting my new learning into practice. 

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