Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive - Dealing with Data

Today is the second to last session of the DFI, I have spent some time reflecting on the course. I have found that one of the most valuable aspects of this course has been developing an improved understanding of the Manaiakalani backstory - why Manaiakalani has been formed this way and how it has been structured to meet the needs of our learners in our communities i.e. the foundations of learn, create, share. 

Dorothy Burt came down from Auckland today to give us some more insight into the Manaiaklani backstory - specifically looking into how we can ensure our learners are empowered (have agency over their learning). Creating empowered learners is the final piece of the puzzle.

In order to create these empowered learners we need to ensure that our learners are using digital devices as "not just a tool" but as something that is transformational for their learning . When technology "transforms the way we learn, it offers new unchartered experiences and opportunities". 

In order for our students to be empowered we need to ensure they are also connected (collaborative and social), ubiquitous (workers that are global and can work anytime they choose) and visible (they have agency in how they share their learning and their digital footprint). Without these other components they can not truely feel empowered in their learning. 

For the remainder of our session today we had a focus on dealing with data - specifically looking into using sheets in the most effective way. I learnt some great tips with using sheets such as formatting columns, filtering, conditional formatting, protecting cells and cropping sheets. These new tips will help me in the future with my management of using sheets to ensure I get the most out of them.

In addition to sheet, we also had a look at mymaps. We looked into using mymaps with sheets and using these two google tools together - this is something that I want to look into in the future to see how I can incorporate this into my teaching. 

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