Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Design Thinking: Empathy

In our Empathy Design Thinking session, we were buddied up with another MIT teacher. We had to perform a role play where one person took on the role as the teacher and the other as the student. 

We used our question/problem as the context for the role play. The idea of the role play was to demonstrate the challenges that our learners face when confronted with the problem we have identified. In my case my learner was struggling to solve a maths strategy due to their limited maths knowledge (times tables). 

This session helped to clarify my problem in the eyes of others as it identified the real challenges our learners face in the classroom. It showed my other MIT colleagues how this problem is an issue and the barrier it is to students academic progress. I think it highlighted to others why and how this is such a problem in the classroom. It was great to role play it out - it made the problem 'come to life'. 


Below is a poster I have created, this shows the problem from the perspective of the learner. It identifies the following in the context of my challenge;

  • What do my learners do when faced with the challenge?
  • What do my learners think?
  • What do my learners say?
  • How do my learners feel?

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