Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive - Workflow

Today was the second day of the DFI course, this week we had a focus on managing workflow through the following google tools;

  • hangouts
  • calendar
  • mail
  • google keep 
Our session started learning about the Manaiakalani pedagogy - looking into how we are using digital technologies to accelerate student learning outcomes and ensure our teaching is effective. 

We looked into the importance of 'learn' with the learn, create, share pedagogy. How can we ensure that students have access to and are engaging in existing knowledge in a digital world? We need to be using technology in our classroom to amplify our practice, this will help to ensure that our teaching is effective. 

Today I thought about what learn looks like in my school, I believe that the students in my hub are using technology in meaningful ways to make meaning and build on their knowledge. The use of technology in the hub isn't just a tool but it is being used to amplify their learning. 

I enjoyed learning about Google Keep today, I can see this being very helpful for me in the future regarding organisation i.e. creating To Do lists to stay on top of my various tasks. Furthermore, I liked the feature of being able to 'keep' slides and docs that I come across and want to save for later. I also found some of the tips within gmail helpful - such as being able to create labels within my gmail to save emails to i.e. DFI, Sport etc. 

Today I also learnt some 'how tip' tips regarding blogging which will be helpful to share with my students, such as - embedding slides and videos into their blogs. 

I can see how the tips and tools I learnt about today will be very helpful for organisation and improving my workflow both at school but also in my personal life. I am looking forward to using these and seeing the impact they have on my workflow. 


  1. Kia Ora Rebecca, google keep is a great feature and hoas many uses. My favourite is being able to take a photo of a piece of text, using the grab image feature (after tapping the photo) and the text 'magically appears'. With keep also working alongside many of the other google applications you can have comments you use regularly and past them to students work or digital stickers. I have shared a post about making stickers through drawings, once downloaded as png or jpeg they go go into keep too.

  2. Kia ora,
    I would agree with your conclusion of the use of technology in your hub being used to build meaning and knowledge. Google Keep certainly resonated with a number of participants and I can see real value in my life as well.
    Nga mihi,
